23 Jul 2007
Saturday 28 July is the second and final day that the Yamamoto/Adidas FAC51-Y3 trainers - Designed by Saville/Kelly/Hook and housed in a Hacienda dancefloor-shaped box - will be 'available' to the general public.

Of the 250 limited edition £345.00 trainers, 16 were snapped up at the new Aspecto store in the Manchester Triangle on 21 July - with several punters, apparently, queuing overnight for the privilege. Aspecto are expecting a further 16 pairs to be on sale on the 28th.

"These shoes are a realisation of a memory shared by many of their passage through a place in a moment in time" - Peter Saville.

"For more information you'd better get yourself down there sharpish" - Aspecto Website.

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