16 Aug 2019
Use Hearing Protection - Factory Records 1978-1979
Use Hearing Protection: Factory Records 1978-1979 contains facsimile editions of the first 10 numbered Factory items: 4 vinyl records, 3 posters, a short film, Factory stationery and an egg-timer design. The early history of the label is traced in a 60-page book with text by James Nice, photos by Kevin Cummins and archival interviews with Tony Wilson, Rob Gretton, Joy Division and more. Oli and Isobel Wilson (Tony's children) are executive producers.
Fac 1 poster
Fac 2 A Factory Sample - 2 x 7" single
Fac 3 poster
Fac 4 poster
Fac 5 All Night Party - A Certain Ratio
Fac 6 Electricity - OMD
Fac 7 1st Generation Stationery
Fac 8 Factory Egg-Timer conceptual design by Linder
Fac 9 The Factory Flick including No City Fun
Fact 10 Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division
Bonus items:
A white label 12" single by The Tiller Boys (originally intended as Fac 3 but ultimately not released)
A lengthy audio interview with Joy Division, Tony Wilson and Rob Gretton, conducted in August 1979 by journalist Mary Harron, never before heard and now restored across two CDs
A newly restored, and seldom seen since 1979, evocative 8mm short No City Fun (Fac 9), featuring music by Joy Division.
The Use Hearing Protection box is strictly limited to 4000 units worldwide, is priced at 180.00 GBP and will be released on 11 October 2019.
See rhino.co.uk [->] for information on how to order.
Labels: A_Certain_Ratio, Cabaret_Voltaire, Factory40, John_Dowie, Joy_Division, Linder, Malcolm_Whitehead, OMD, Peter Saville, The_Durutti_Column
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