8 Mar 2008
1978-2008 The Wilderness Years 
Vin Cassidy talks to Cerysmatic Factory about the background to the new Section 25 compilation 'Dirty Disco':

"The whole notion of an S25 "best of" CD a few years ago would have seemed totally alien to me, but I suppose a mellowing of years etc and these things start to make more sense. When James at LTM first suggested this collection of songs, to span a period from our first outpourings up until now, I wanted to call the album "1978-2008 The Wilderness Years", because sometimes that's where it feels we've been.

Misunderstood, misquoted, mislaid, slagged and belied by "false compare". My father said, "all comparisons are odious". He was right except I would add, "and so are the folk that make them".

For Larry and I this album is another marker stone on our sonic way. Rob Gretton wanted us to call our first album 'FUCK OFF'. He said we had a totally uncompromising approach and if other people did not like it they could do as the title suggested. We have not changed our attitude on this and we are still standing."


Artist: Section 25
Title: 'Dirty Disco (Best Of)
Catalogue number: LTMCD 2515
Release date: March 2008
Available direct from LTM and in good record shops

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