3 Sept 2003
The Peter Saville Talk 
Went to the Design Museum tonight for The Peter Saville Talk. Met David Sultan from WorldInMotion.Net, Agent King from BitingTongues.com, Andrew and Matthew from Australia.

As Mr Saville had already given one talk last week (an extra one arranged after the first one but occurring before the first one, if you understand what I mean) he decided not to do a formal lecture but held a question and answer session instead.

Many great analyses, explanations and anecdotes ensued, too many to go into here - you'll have to wait for the full breakdown - but suffice to say that it will mention Trevor Key Letrasetting the back cover of Tubular Bells, "spooky typographical obsessives", Yohji Yamamoto, "Spice Girls Syndrome" and Kraftwerk. Coming soon.


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