5 Mar 2010
The New Cerysmatic Factory 
You may have noticed that we have undergone some major surgery. This was due to Blogger, on which the news blog part of the site has run since 2003, will stop supporting website publishing by FTP in May 2010. After an initial period of "WTF are we gonna do!?" it became clear that this enforced upgrade would actually enable us to implement a number of improvements which we've been mulling over for quite some time. Technical issues with the way the site is constructed prevented us from making that change then but now, with the news blog shifted over to news.cerysmaticfactory.info, the path was clear. And so we proudly roll out some new features which you will hopefully like including post pages, comments, and tagging/labelling.

This, the main front page, remains as it is, albeit with a slimmed down look. Links to the most recent news items are below or you can select News on the left to see all the news. All the other 1500+ regular pages remain unaffected by the changes to the blog. The old blogposts are still there too if you really wanna look. You'll work it out.

We are only human, and regretfully every year have to turn down at least one prospective work experience applicant, so if anything goes awry during this launch period please bear with us and we will endeavour to fix it as soon as possible. Please let us know if you have any comments too.


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