25 Jan 2011
FAC 318 Flying Start Exhibition Stand 
Tony Wilson presented many television programmes but many of them were not about music. Flying Start was an Eighties Granada programme in which teams from businesses in the North West of England would compete against each other to win a cash prize. As David Nolan suggests in You're Entitled To An Opinion, it was the forerunner of such modern day hit business-themed shows as Dragons' Den and The Apprentice.

In typical AHW fashion he was unable to separate his day job (Journalist) from his passion, running Factory Records. And so it transpired that the Factory Catalogue number FAC 318 was assigned to an exhibition of Factory artwork at a Flying Start exhibition in May 1991. Information on that particular exhibition is scant-to-non-existent (if anyone knows otherwise, please get in touch).


FAC 318 Flying Start Exhibition Stand

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