6 Sept 2019
Factory Records (and Skunk Anansie*)
James Nice (Factory Benelux, Les Disques du Crépuscule, LTM) chats about the 40th anniversary of Factory Records to Janice Long on BBC Wales in a programme first broadcast on Wednesday 4 September 2019. The audio may not be available in all countries due to BBC iPlayer restrictions.
The Factory-related audio starts at about 1:05:00 in to the show.
A small suite of Factory Records material features during the show with the playlist as follows:
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Electricity
Joy Division - Digital
A Certain Ratio - All Night Party
Cabaret Voltaire - Yashar (Remixed By John Robie In New York)
James - Hymn From a Village
The Durutti Column - Home
Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro
* The Skunk Anansie element of this headline is not related to Factory. Any credible connection tips welcomed!
Labels: Factory_Records, James_Nice, Janice_Long, radio
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