18 Sept 2019
Stephen Morris and Dave Haslam in conversation
At this exclusive evening, Stephen Morris (Joy Division/New Order) will be in discussion with Dave Haslam (ex-Haçienda) about their lives in music, their inspirations, memories, and future plans at St Michael & All Angels Church in Macclesfield on Saturday 19 October 2019 from 19:00-21:00.
This will be very much a double-header because Stephen's recent autobiography 'Record Play Pause: Confessions of a Post-Punk Percussionist (Volume 1)', and Dave's new book 'We the Youth: Keith Haring's New York Nightlife' - will be available to buy on the night and there will be a signing session with both of them.
Tickets are £11 online (via Eventbrite) and £13 on the door.
St Michael & All Angels Church
Market Place
Macclesfield SK10 1DY
Labels: book, Dave_Haslam, events, interview, Joy_Division, New_Order, Stephen_Morris, talk
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