11 Oct 2019
Factory Records' NYC HQ at 325 Spring Street
325 Spring Street, New York City was the former location of Factory Records’ US operations in the form of Factory US and Of Factory New York.
In 2017 photographer Sean Vegezzi took an amazing series of photographs of the upper floors of the building which were completely empty. Factory was in Room 233 and it's quite possible that some of the pics show the location of the old office. However, with most of the building contents completely stripped out it is not possible to discern exactly where it was.
In September/October 1986 the video / sculpture / installation 'Compact' designed by Peter Saville took place at the White Columns art gallery which was also located in the building. This was commemorated by the Fac 171 poster.
Many thanks to Sean Vegezzi for the photos and for giving factoryrecords.org permission to use them. I have published them as a series of three mini photo galleries on Instagram in order to do justice to the detail that they show. These are also embedded on the main page for 325 Spring Street on this site.
Labels: 325_Spring_Street, Factory_US, OFNY, Peter_Saville, photography, Sean_Vegezzi, USA
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