18 Oct 2019
Scream City 3
Scream City 3 was published in June 2007, one year after the second issue. I discovered that making fanzines is not an easy thing to do and gradually the gaps between issues got longer and longer. This was the one with the seventies porno cover and so the use of Alba Super for the title and inside cover contents page seemed de rigueur. This was probably the most eclectic issue in terms of content as there was no overall theme, save for two articles about the archives at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester (which, back then, was known as the Museum of Science and Industry or MoSI). Regular contributor Andrew James and Jan Hargreaves (now Hicks) from the Museum itself explained two different sides of the Factory archives.
David Nolan presented an extracted from his then forthcoming 'Confusion' biography of New Order's Bernard Sumner and Aloysius Munn (aka Ian McCartney) talked to Ian White of The Wendys. Michael Eastwood gave us two articles about Fac 51 The Haçienda - one on the long-lost Haçienda Classics album and another, 'Ghosts of the Haçienda' which celebrated the early years and coincided with an event at One Central under the same title.
Matthew Robertson critiqued the graphic design used by Electronic for their three main albums, David Nolan talked to Crispy Ambulance's Alan Hempsall and I snagged the cover story with the slightly suggestive title 'A Cock and Balls Story'. Whilst refreshing my memory of this last article I found an archived email with the title 'Tony Wilson's Cock and Balls'. Fortunately the article is not as puerile as the title suggests.
Scream City 3 forms part of the Scream City digital archive.
Labels: Alan_Hempsall, Andrew_James, Bernard_Sumner, Crispy_Ambulance, David_Nolan, FAC51_The_Hacienda, Scream_City
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