20 Sept 2007
As was pointed out to uberquizmeister Elliot Eastwick at last night's Urbis Haçienda quiz night: any question about the Haçienda has around 25 different answers (depending upon who is being asked), all of them probably correct!

So it came to pass with the hastily assembled 'FAC IT' team - featuring your cerysmatic northern representative and artist Trevor Johnson - being cheated into third place and, thus, missing out on the prizes by a combination of incorrect 'official' answers, dodgy marking practices and our own amateur attempts at cheating!

Given that 'FAC IT' had blagged their way in without paying the GBP 15.00 entry fee anyway, the result was probably fair on reflection.

The eventual winners, 'FAC OFF', were treated to GBP 100.00 of books from the excellent Urbis shop.

"That's an awful lot of keyrings!" commented said quiz master, who was ably assisted by Timperley's own Frank Sidebottom.

Elliot has kindly allowed cerysmatic to run the quiz for ourselves. Stay tuned...

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