8 Oct 2019
Use Hearing Protection Poster Design Event
To coincide with the Use Hearing Protection FAC 1-50/40 exhibition which runs until 26 October 2019, hosts Chelsea Space are running a poster design competition. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to submit poster designs inspired by the First 50 Fac numbers.
5 designs will be selected to be exhibited on the exterior wall of Chelsea Space. Winning designs to be announced and exhibited on Thursday 24 October.
The original exhibition poster was designed by Howard Wakefield. Entrants are invited to design a poster that is 16 cm high by 12 cm wide.
Submissions must be received by Chelsea Space by Monday 20 October 2019.
All submissions must include name and email address.
By submitting an entry to this competition you agree for your name and the image of your design to be used by Chelsea Space for marketing purposes.
Labels: exhibition, graphic_design, Howard_Wakefield, Use_Hearing_Protection
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